Monday, 20 February 2012

O Mein Souverän

You are my pleasure
My ultimate treasure
Not a commoner for me you are
But some big sought after superstar
A feeling so strong and divine
Nowhere in the world would anyone find
That you are for me.
And a portrait surpassing all canvases,
whose holiness washes off all trespasses.
A land so rich and pure,
happiness to everyone for sure.
A soothing touch that heals every wound.
The comfort of your hug can be nowhere found.
Retards like me who do nothing but errors.
Pained, bruised and traumatised by unknown terrors.
Get unknowingly blessed to have you in life.
And just the feeling of you being the essence of their life,
rids them of baggage, 
bring them cheers,
wipes their tears;
heals them without a bandage.
And makes them wish to get lost in your arms for eternity
let you have right over their sovereignty

The Gift of Loving

There's something that draws me to you
Don't know if this is love,
but there's something that makes me concerned for you
Don't know if this is love, because I don't know what is love.
Still i feel jealous when you talk to others,
Feel guilty when you look solemn,sad or hurt,
And betrayed when you behave like a stranger
Now people call them signs of love.
I know how naive I am when it comes to romance.
So i just wish I could reach out to your mind.
But also,i need to reach out to my own mind first.

I love to take care of your small little things,
Silently watch you smile from the corner of my eyes,
And gaze in your intense eyes when no one around is watching.
May be that's from where i can lure out a solution to my conundrum like emotions.
Because i know behind the curtain of your subtleness lies a world of mysterious beauty.
A mystery which i am unable to comprehend,
And till i dont know it, i think i wont be able to love you.
Or may be i am too unacceptable for you,
And that explains why i feel so condescending for myself.

So as these might be my first steps towards loving you,
I need to realise that the buck stops here.
Its destination is something that does not exist for me.
I wonder if this harsh truth would stop me from caring for you, liking you and being there for you!!
And the answer is 'No', ofcourse.
I know that expecting love in return from you would make me feel more condescending.
All this may be for the sake of this earlier illusion that you liked me,
Or perhaps because love is not a service that comes with terms and conditions
And it's not that i am getting nothing in return of loving you.
You're giving me something inadvertently and unknowingly.
You're giving me the much awaited, much desired change in myself that i always wanted,
And i am liking every bit of it.
So loving you, if it actually is, brings me at peace with myself.

The beautiful things in life

One pleasant Sunday evening while walking down my lane.
I saw a weird looking man sitting near the drain.
His face was pallid, his hair were unkempt.
I decided to reach out to him and offer some help.
“Hello”, I said, drawing myself just infront of him.
“Are you looking for some address? Can I try to help?”
He lifted his face up and fixed his gaze at me.
After few moments he stood up, kept his hand on my shoulders and spoke.
“You seem to posses a bright and inquisitive mind.
I think, at last I have found someone to teach, something I experienced from my life.
There in that vast field do you see that boy teaching his little brother how to ride a cycle?
Its small and beautiful moments like these, which gradually build up this life.
However insignificant they may seem primarily,                  
they have a tremendous impact you’ll see if you introspect for a while.
Life is all about these small little things.
And we do know it,
but it’s due to the lure of other seemingly bigger things which offer us fickle gains,
 we refuse to acknowledge this truth.
I too was one such fool, you know.
Completely nonchalant to all little goodness around me.
Chasing things that never became mine for always.
Chasing in a dream, I wrongly perceived as the reality of my life.
Ultimately one day when those castles on sand got washed away,
I realized what horrible thing I had made my life into.
And there was no going back now.
 So I was left, though with a big house but still homeless.
A broke who possessed million of bucks.
And I don’t want the same to happen with someone else.
So here I tell
Learn to love and value each and every moment spent with loved ones.
Though there would be times and things that would seem better and best than the rest.
But take my words; they’ll all be for momentary pleasure.
Came just to dupe you in the end.
Try to think yourself and reason out what was better.
When you scored good marks or when mom taught you first alphabets.
When you bought your favourite clothes or when dad used to dress up a toddler you for school.
Small little things though, but matter a lot.
Be it your bestfriend’s hug, sister’s leg pulling or brother’s smile.
Treasure all those loving people and moments around you.
You never know if your success will forever stay
But these people sure will stand beside you till their last breath.”
Half an hour post this encounter, I walked back to my home.
With my new, more deepened love for every bundle of joy
who fill vibrant colours of happiness in every space of my life.

Sunday, 19 February 2012


They come here to me,
In a blazing flash of light
they make me see,
Sometimes vague,sometimes clear
Impalpable like mirror images
but still very much near,

Fragrance from a garden of roses,
Flesh on a piece of burning coal,
Any one out of them is what i sense,
Whenever in my mind my memories roll

The burn makes me so helpless,
I cannot delete the past,i know,
But my inability to erase my memories
Makes me feel solemn and low,

The fragrance makes me desperate,
Desperate to bring all those moments back,
And make them stay foreverwith me
Instead of some distant shack,

The irony,the memories i want to let go
Come back with a greater speed,every time i try,
The ones i wish to keep are getting washed away
by waves of time's ocean,which refuses to dry.


July 2010, I guess that was the last time I blogged. A mere formality as I just 
'ctrl+c-ctrl+v'ed one of my poems I had posted on Facebook, a month before that. Posted some two-three more poems of mine in the subsequent months, but never thought of sharing them on the blog. My blog was something I had forgotten. Thankfully I remembered it's name when I finally decided to get back to blogging, today. 'Openly Speaking', yes that is what it was called. 'Was' because it no more exists. See the address bar. It's not just the Blog which is titled 'The Eloquent Reticence'. The blog URL is also  the same. I just wanted to start afresh, make a commitment to frequently make runs in this new innings of blogging and to make sure that this time, my writing doesn't suffer the same fate as the previous one. I completely, and with utmost honesty; loathe and blame my lazy habits for whatever happened to my previous blog. But this time I am hopefully more determined. The potpourri of my thoughts that were driving me insane and needed a place to get vomited, have  prompted this horse to take baby steps. Finally something that over powered my invincible laziness All I hope is that the same thoughts would keep it running throughout. But well, I don't think I would ever be devoid of thoughts (my mind is a storehouse of everything from sanctimonious to nasty :D). It's my laziness which I should be scared of. What if it hits back with a vengeance ? I just hope my thoughts will be able to help  the horse recuperate, if the invincible laziness hits him.
And even though many consider blogging to be passe', and claim Facebook and twitter to be the more in the vogue thing; I feel blogging is something which can not die so seen. There are still many fb fatigued people like me who would always love to move away from the boisterousness of Facebook and settle for the calmness of a blog. And Twitter- well it's a nice micro 'promotion' site, but as of now my virtual presence has got no reasons to need promotion.
So as I post this listening to Lataji render her nightingale voice to the amazing lines 'chhup na sakega ishk humara, charo taraf hai unka nazara', I hope that my fresh blogging attempt also becomes a dekhne or rather padhne layak nazara.
This maiden post would be followed by some of my old poems and something new would also surely come up in a few days.
Hope to have a nice time blogging. :)