Monday, 20 February 2012

The beautiful things in life

One pleasant Sunday evening while walking down my lane.
I saw a weird looking man sitting near the drain.
His face was pallid, his hair were unkempt.
I decided to reach out to him and offer some help.
“Hello”, I said, drawing myself just infront of him.
“Are you looking for some address? Can I try to help?”
He lifted his face up and fixed his gaze at me.
After few moments he stood up, kept his hand on my shoulders and spoke.
“You seem to posses a bright and inquisitive mind.
I think, at last I have found someone to teach, something I experienced from my life.
There in that vast field do you see that boy teaching his little brother how to ride a cycle?
Its small and beautiful moments like these, which gradually build up this life.
However insignificant they may seem primarily,                  
they have a tremendous impact you’ll see if you introspect for a while.
Life is all about these small little things.
And we do know it,
but it’s due to the lure of other seemingly bigger things which offer us fickle gains,
 we refuse to acknowledge this truth.
I too was one such fool, you know.
Completely nonchalant to all little goodness around me.
Chasing things that never became mine for always.
Chasing in a dream, I wrongly perceived as the reality of my life.
Ultimately one day when those castles on sand got washed away,
I realized what horrible thing I had made my life into.
And there was no going back now.
 So I was left, though with a big house but still homeless.
A broke who possessed million of bucks.
And I don’t want the same to happen with someone else.
So here I tell
Learn to love and value each and every moment spent with loved ones.
Though there would be times and things that would seem better and best than the rest.
But take my words; they’ll all be for momentary pleasure.
Came just to dupe you in the end.
Try to think yourself and reason out what was better.
When you scored good marks or when mom taught you first alphabets.
When you bought your favourite clothes or when dad used to dress up a toddler you for school.
Small little things though, but matter a lot.
Be it your bestfriend’s hug, sister’s leg pulling or brother’s smile.
Treasure all those loving people and moments around you.
You never know if your success will forever stay
But these people sure will stand beside you till their last breath.”
Half an hour post this encounter, I walked back to my home.
With my new, more deepened love for every bundle of joy
who fill vibrant colours of happiness in every space of my life.


  1. wonderful !!!! this encounter actually happened?

  2. Na, na!!! I wanted to write about these thing so I kinda made up this prologue sort of inception. :D
